DOT Transfers

Information on how to transfer DOT to Acala


Before you can use your DOT on Acala, you must first transfer your DOT to the Acala parachain. Learn about the different transfer methods below.

DOT Exchange Transfers

Most exchanges DO NOT support direct DOT transfers to Acala. In these cases, you will have to transfer from exchange to Polkadot account then follow Bridge to Acala guide below.

Bridge to Acala

Install Acala app on your Ledger to be able to send DOT from Acala to your Ledger.

1) Connect to Acala Apps and click on Bridge on the left-hand side of the page.

Keep Polkadot as the Origin Chain and select Acala as the Destination Chain. Enter the amount of DOT you’d like to send. Click Transfer.

2) Return to the Portfolio tab to see your transferred DOT balance.

Bridge to Polkadot

1) Connect to Acala Apps and click on Bridge on the left-hand side of the page.

Make Acala as the Origin Chain and select Polkadot as the Destination Chain. Enter the amount of DOT you’d like to send. Click Transfer.

Note that the minimum DOT transfer out of Acala is ~1.0005 DOT

Last updated